Seated Liberty Quarter


Almost from the moment that the U.S. was established, it became clear that appointments to the Mint were based on who you knew rather than what you knew. It was during this time of undisguised nepotism that a young man named Christian Gobrecht began making his mark as an engraver. For more than ten years, Gobrecht tried to obtain a permanent position with the Mint only to be passed over time and time again for people with lesser talent, but strong connections. Gobrecht wanted so badly to become the chief engraver for the mint that when he finally offered the position of assistant engraver to Robert Scot he turned it down.

liberty seated quarter coins and coinsHowever, as time went on some of his feelings must have changed because he later accepted the job as assistant engraver when it was offered by Robert Maskell Patterson.

Patternson, who was enamored by the British coins that depicted a seated goddess motif chose a drawing by Thomas Sully for Gobrecht to bring to life in the new coins that would be made by the United States Mint. Gorbrecht set to work, and so the Seated Liberty Quarter and other coins thus came into existance.

The Original Seated Liberty Quarter

In 1838 and 1839 what came to be considered as the original Seated Liberty Quarter was minted. Later their would be changes to the coin, but at the time Gobrecht’s Seated Liberty quarter was to considered to be a work of art.

The Front of the Seated Liberty Quarter

Gorbrecht’s die for the has Liberty sitting on a rock surrounded by 13 stars. She has a tilted shield in her right hand with a banner with the word LIBERTY printed on it. In left hand she is a holding a pole with a cap on the top. Under Liberty is the year the coin was minted.

The Reverse Side of the Seated Liberty Quarter

On the Reverse side of the Seated Liberty Quarter there is an eagle that is about to take flight with a striped shield at his breast. The eagle holds an olive branch in his right talon and a group of arrows in his left talon. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is printed in an arch above the eagle. Below the eagle on the rim of the coin is QUAR. DOL.

These original quarters are often referred to as the no drape and no motto because the words IN GOD WE TRUST did not show up on the Seated liberty Quarter until 1866.


In 1840 Gobrecht’s version of the Seated Liberty quarter was “improved upon” by Robert Ball Hughes who added drapery below Liberty’s elbow and fattened Gobrecht’s version of Liberty.

The Seated Liberty Quarter was struck at 3 mints Philadelphia (no mint mark) San Francsico (S) and New Orleans (O) the mint marks appear below the eagle.

Rare Seated Liberty Quarters

Rare Seated Liberty Quarters include:

  • The Original quarters 1838,1939 and 1840
  • Hughes Modified Version 1842 (struck only in proof), 1842-O small date, 1849-O, 1852, 1856, 1865-S, 1863, 1865 Philadelphia

It is most difficult to find coins in mint state.


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Seated Liberty Quarter